THE SHIFT with Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. Live Stream #205.
Life is the most delicious experience we have in this universe! Dr. Wayne W. Dyer who recently transitioned...made this movie with the intention that 3 million people would watch it.... so far over 1 million have already watched and shared it. Today, we want to contribute and pass it along to all of you around the world... because we also believe that when we make "THE SHIFT" in our own lives, we live with meaning and purpose. Life becomes DELICIOUS. We are happy. We are joyful. We are inspired. We help others. We teach others. We see the world with love. We invite you all, to please watch this movie today and make your own shift in your life. You deserve it. We deserve it. We all deserve it. Thank you for watching this livestream show. Thank you for sharing our message around the world. Thank you for making THE SHIFT!!! P.S. START YOU BUSINESS HERE: