Using Video Marketing in your Business?. Live Stream #83.
Welcome to another show of mspinoLIVE. Today is our 83th LIVESTREAM TV Show and it is about : "ARE YOU USING VIDEO MARKETING IN YOUR BUSINESS DAILY?". Marketing is one of the many critical functions of small business operations. Whether you are growing your business through a formal marketing plan or you take a more casual approach, using video marketing can be an effective way to step up your marketing game. The biggest benefits to using video in small business marketing is that you can easily integrate video with your existing program. IF YOU BLOG... you can include a video version of your next entry, add it to your social media, use keywords and video description that will turn up in your searches. PLUG IN YOUR VIDEO PLAYER TO YOUR EXISTING WEBSITE OR BLOG... add some self-produced videos to constantly show/play so your potential customers or existing ones always see you in ACTION. IF YOU DO EMAIL MARKETING... add video when you send your mass messages, use video in your emails to announce your promotions, sales special offers, etc... There 3 types of video: 1.- SELL video... the goal is simple --- make people want to buy your products or services. 2.- ENTERTAIN video... enjoyable, content made to share with friends, this creates brand awareness. 3.- EDUCATE video... content with the goal of educating viewers about a particular cause or event teaching them about your product. Everyday, 100 million americans view online videos!!! - The average internet user is likely to watch 206 videos per month. - 70% of marketers use video in their advertising. - video is now the 6th most popular form of content marketing. Now, you can step up your marketing game and have your own tv internet channel to promote your business, your services and your products 24/7 using video and creating LIVE content that your customers can connect with. Feel free to explore our TV platform and start using video today in your business. Get a FREE TV account now: And don't forget to: LAUGH. LEARN. LIVE AT YOU BEST....that's our LATEST slogan for the show... because we want to make you laugh every time you watch our shows... we want you to learn new things, new ideas, new strategies that will help you in your own life every day... we want that you live a better life ... WE WANT YOU TO LIVE AT YOUR BEST... you deserve it... we all deserve it... so why not start TODAY. We are very happy to bring this show to you and we are committed to make you LAUGH, LEARN & LIVE AT YOUR BEST. Feel free to reach out to us and if you or someone you know would like to be part of our LIVE show, give us a call, send us an email, chat on Facebook. Thank you for watching our show today and please, please , please share with the world. Remember, someone out there needs a word of hope TODAY. We are LIVE Monday-Friday at 12:00 Noon (EST) on