What Things People get easily Annoyed by?. Live Stream #7.
Welcome to another show of mspinoLIVE. Today is our 7th LIVE TV Show since we decided to start this new adventure together. We are having a great time doing our daily LIVE TV Show. Today, our show is about :" WHAT THINGS PEOPLE GET EASILY ANNOYED BY?" We all have things that bother us more than others. Maybe it is your spouse, pets barking, people beeping behind you while you are driving.... or maybe loud music, complainers and whiners, your neighbors, your boss, facebooking... Whatever it is, just be aware that you control the way you feel, you react and you process these events in your every day life. Don't let things outside of you become a TOXIC individual... Always look for things you can do to CONTRIBUTE to the world in the most POSITIVE way. Also, feel free to reach out to us and if you or someone you know would like to be part of our LIVE show,, give us a call, send us an email, chat on Facebook. Thank you for watching our show today and please, please , please share with the world. Remember, someone out there needs a word of hope TODAY. We will be back LIVE tomorrow at 12:00 Noon (EST) on www.mspinolive.com