WHY are you so obsessed?

Week 42… Day 283 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! … 82 more days to go!

Yes, why are you so obsessed?... if you look into your life you have one, two or more obsessions that totally kick your own butt.


Are these obsessions making you wealthy?

For the most part… NOOOOOOOOOO.

Your obsession for food, smoking, alcohol, procrastination, kids, pets, old parents, sickness, drugs, pills, sex, mediocrity, recognition, poverty, wines, ego, approvals, opinions, likes and…  you can fill-in the rest…

Everyone has an obsession… but, is it making you wealthy?

If it’s not… quit it.

If it is… you have figured out what most people haven’t.


Commit to quit un-healthy obsessions.

Commit to craft a healthy path.

Awareness can make the whole difference. Sometimes we do things that hurt us, yet we still do them… but once we realized it, we can correct it and create better.

Quit your unhealthy obsessions.


Continue building your networth.

See you tomorrow…

P.S… To receive every piece of advice and recommendations up to now, to catch up with our “365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth”… visit, www.GoNetworthing.com

P.S.S… To get a copy of my book, visit Amazon on this link, just click here!

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