Thanksgiving week, a time to be grateful.

Week 31.

Day 204 – 210 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!

This week, we will be celebrating here in America the Thanksgiving holiday. Yet, regardless of where you are in the world… regardless of your religious background… regardless of your ethnicity and regardless of where you’re in your life… take this week to reflect on all the things, all the people, all the events, all the challenges, all the lessons, all the accomplishments… that you have experienced since we started our journey together of building our networth and our wealth.

I strongly believe that we all agree on how blessed we all are!

I am most appreciative of everyone in our group for showing up and stayed connected.

I have noticed that many of you, myself included, have changed and expanded beyond what maybe we thought possible before we joined.

And, I want to make clear that I do not claim at all that the changes you’ve made are because of the group… the changes you’ve made are because you have changed. You have evolved as a person, as an individual, as a human being. You get all the credit. I only get to witness the manifested results after you’ve done all the work yourself.

I absolutely love to see changes like:

Being happy about life itself.

Flying on private jets around the world.

Starting your own private and mentoring groups.

Becoming a published author.

Moving to a new home.

Attending personal development events.

Opening your own online stores.

Caring more for your clients.

Working out your challenges in your love life.

Divorcing a partner who did not appreciate you.

Having a better relationship with your kids.

Embracing the possibility to have money and be happy at the same time.

Setting up a new office.

Buying cashflowing assets.

Enjoying your ideal weight

Make time to meet with friends and empower each other positively.

Sharing more inspirational messages in your social media.

Feeling good about yourself daily.

And the list goes on…

This week, take inventory of all the blessings that surround you… and simply say: THANK YOU!


P.S… To receive every piece of advice and recommendations up to now, to catch up with our “365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth”… visit,

P.p]P.S… To get a copy of my book, visit Amazon on this link, just click here!

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