Thoughts of Prosperity.

Day 142 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!

Make it easy for you, repeat it daily… until you know it is a habit engraved in your mind… THINK PROSPERITY THOUGHTS. 

You can do this anywhere and anytime… many times a day.

What are prosperity thoughts? … Any thoughts of abundance and feeling-good leading the way.

Say to yourself:

Ok, my prosperity thoughts for today are:

1. I am working towards buying a new home.

2. I am depositing and flowing monies in my bank accounts.

3. I am going out for dinner this week.

4. I am booking a vacation by December.

5. I am buying new clothes this month.

6. I am investing in real estate this month.

7. I am feeling abundant in every area of my life.

8. I am working with others in wonderful ways to create even more prosperity.

Define your own prosperity thoughts…

Feel the feeling of prosperity inside your body… and get familiar with that feeling… once you do… you will see manifested all the things you want in your present reality.

I wish you a happy and a prosperous day wherever you’re in your life and in your business!

P.S… To receive every piece of advice and recommendations up to now, to catch up with our “365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth”… visit,

P.P.S… To get a copy of my book, visit Amazon on this link, just click here!

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