Feeling of… HOPEFULNESS.

Day 79 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! HOPEFULNESS is a bit stronger positive feeling than contentment. It is more like, things are starting to go my way and I have good expectations of the outcome.  Feeling hopeful while building your business will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. When […]

YOU out of the equation.

Day 67 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Building a team that works well without your physical presence day in and day out is one of the biggest challenges most business owners and entrepreneurs have. Master that! Mastering the skill of selecting the right team players, supervising their work and examining the results in a timely manner is […]

Choose Happy & Prosperous.

Our parents teach us the best they can and  know at the time… and most of the time, for many, those teachings are to struggle in life. It’s up to us to assess if that advice serve us well or if that advice perpetuates the struggle. There’s always a better way to do things. In today’s world, we have the […]


Today, I want to invite you to think about YOUR NETWORTH. Are you building up your networth? Are you properly planning your retirement? Are you taking the right steps to build a life worth living? Most people are not… most people are simply going from day to day like zombies… from Facebook and Insta posts to the same the next […]

My #SaturdayVibes.

My #SaturdayVibes are full of wonderful thoughts about my upcoming events, my upcoming new homes, my upcoming livestreams, my upcoming new friends, my upcoming books, my upcoming date nights, my upcoming nature walks, my upcoming travels around the world. Life is beautiful when you choose to create a beautiful life for yourself. Today, take a few minutes to think about […]

Have the courage to succeed!

A life without success is a life wasted. We have ideas, talents and expertise that we can use to become successful. It is our focus to attention that will make that happen or not. Today, think about one idea, one talent, one expertise you can implement to take yourself to new heights in life and in business.  

Put your Passion Online.

What are you passionate about? What do you love to talk  about? It’s absolutely possible to establish yourself as a credible source in any area, any industry by putting yourself online, choosing a niche and building a business around your chosen topic. Technology gives you tremendous leverage… you can set up your website to be a resource, a learning and […]