REVIEW success.

Week 49… Day 330 – 336… of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! If you go back to the Table of Content since we started this challenge, one word that pops up very often is REVIEW. It is not enough to just write your goals once… you also must review them often,  frequently and every so often. What’s going […]

Are you Scrolling through Wealth?

Week 48… Day 323 – 329… of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Are you scrolling through wealth? Nowadays, it is easy to just scroll on your social media feed when you are not too interested… when you get bored… when you don’t relate… and life goes on… and you do it several times a day with no significant […]

Does Size Matters?

Week 47… Day 316 – 322… of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Does size matters? … ask a woman. Does size matters? … ask a man. Size does matters… the size of your business matters and also the size of your ticket items. Building a business is a lot of work and so is working for a salary […]

Rampage to Create a Wonderful Life.

Week 46… Day 309 – 315… of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! This week, we want to invite you to do rampages of creation. What’s that? You must be asking. As Vianca and I drove back home this afternoon, we started a conversation about the things we wanted in the near future. We ended up doing about one […]